Delfi Garay is a young woman from Mexico with classical training in horsemanship, who makes her living professionally teaching equitation and various forms of riding. She is an apprentice in a new initiative collectively sponsored by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, The United States Department of Agriculture, The U.S. Livestock Genetics Export, Inc., and the Tennessee Walking Horse Association.
Delfi will spend the month getting instruction, while working with Laurie Toone, owner of Circle T Stables in Shelbyville, TN on further development in the natural gaits of the Tennessee Walking Horse. With the knowledge gained in the 1-month program that began June 8, 2021, she can offer the growing number of TWH Mexican owners and exhibitors’ expertise to competitively develop their horses and increase the demand to purchase and import highly trained registered Tennessee Walking Horses. If you see Delfi, please say hello and give her a warm welcome!