TWHBEA Instructor Certification Program
TWHBEA realizes the need for consistent, prepared, and educated instructors in the Tennessee Walking Horse field. To meet that need, TWHBEA created two programs in 2009: the Certified Riding Instructors Program for instructors involved in show ring related teaching, and the Trail Riding Instructors Program developed to test the preparedness of riding instructors around the world to effectively and safely instruct and prepare riders for Trail Riding.
TWHBEA welcomes all individuals interested in Gaited Riding Instruction to become involved with these new programs and become a part of the educational base offered by TWHBEA.
You will notice in the Program Descriptions that all current CRIs will be required to complete a Refresher course for further CRI licensing. All testing will be provided online and through video submission. This will allow all individuals the convenience of testing at home.
If TWHBEA can do anything further to assist you in your pursuit of certification, please refer all questions to Paulette Ewing 931-359-0593 or pewing@twhbea.com
CRI/TRI Program
Certified Riding Instructor
Trail Riding Instructor
CRI – Certified Riding Instructor – Primarily show related riding instruction. The instructor works with show etiquette, equitation, stock seat and saddle seat riding lessons, and horse care/horse health.
TRI – Trail Riding Instructor – Primarily trail riding instruction. The instructor works with trail riding, training skills, trail etiquette, horse care/horse health.
Applicant must apply for each program separately. These are two separate programs with different tests.
To Apply:
Instructors must apply separately to each program, completing forms pertaining to both the CRI and TRI Programs. For both programs the applicant is required to:
- Be a TWHBEA member in good standing (Please keep informed of your membership renewal. A 30 day window will be allowed for renewal before certification is revoked).
- Submit a Completed Application
- Submit to a Background check upon the appointment of instructor/clinician to any TWHBEA sponsored event.
- Provide background information at application.
- Provide a short biography detailing reasons for wanting to be certified and also previous horse experience
- Sign a Code of Conduct
- Sign a Release and Hold Harmless Agreement
- Provide proof of First Aid and CPR Certification
- Provide Proof of Riding Ability at 3 gaits
Options for proving riding proficiency :
a. Applicants may provide proof by submitting an iPED’s record;
b. Working at a TWHBEA Youth Camp and riding for the CRI/TRI’s present and providing a recommendation from them;
c. Provide a minimum 10 minute video of riding skills to be evaluated by TWHBEA CRI/TRI panel consisting of 1 CRI/TRI, one TWHBEA VP, one TWHBEA Director and one horsemanship expert that may be outside of the TWH industry as determined by other members of the panel.
Teaching Proficiency Proof Options:
A. Applicants may provide proof by working at a TWHBEA Youth Camp and receiving recommendation from lead CRI/TRI at Camp
B. Provide a video of a lesson performing 3 gaits to be evaluated by the above mentioned panel.
Written Test
A. Testing at a certification clinic
B. Online testing with a time limit
CRI/TRI Fees/Dues
Application fee of $50 for CRI, $25 for TRI
Yearly fees of $25 for CRI and TRI
All CRI/TRI’s must provide proof of continuing education every 2 years.
• Continuing education includes: TWHBEA Approved Continuing Education clinics
• Local or State Agricultural Agent equine education programs
• University sponsored equine educational programs
• Any programs where CRI/TRI provides appropriate details to TWHBEA for pre-approval.
You have to maintain your annual dues. The year will run 1/1 – 12/31. Any dues not paid and re-certification not completed by 3/1 will be required to re-apply and re-certify.
Mail all completed information to
TWHBEA P.O. Box 286
Lewisburg, TN 37091
ATTN: Jessica Ozburn