Equestrian Star Program

Recognizing the rising stars of the Tennessee Walking Horse industry

The Equestrian Star Program celebrates the dedication and talent of young equestrians in grades 6-12. This initiative recognizes rising stars in the Tennessee Walking Horse industry through achievements in horsemanship, competition, and industry milestones.

Eligible participants must meet specific requirements during the program year, from January 1, to December 31. Submissions are due by February 28 for the previous year’s achievements (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31). Upon successful completion, students will receive a lapel pin and certificate presented during their school’s Awards or Honors Day.

Application Requirements:

  1. TWHYA Membership: Be a current TWHYA member.
  2. Complete at least one of the following:
    • Log 100+ hours of riding a registered Tennessee Walking Horse (max 5 hours per day).
    • Compete in at least three approved events (e.g., TWHBEA shows, 4-H, FFA, Pony Club).
    • Provide proof of achieving an industry title (e.g., World Champion or World Grand Champion, World Versatility Champion, Youth Supreme Versatility Champion, Youth Challenge Cup winner, Youth Medallion Pleasure or Performance Champion, any milestone achievement in the Trail Program, TWHBEA Internation High Point Overall Youth Champion (Halter, Pleasure, or Performance).
  3. School Contact Info:
    • Submit school details, including Awards/Honors Day date (if known).

The Equestrian Star Program encourages youth to develop their passion for Tennessee Walking Horses while fostering commitment and achievement.

Youth Judging Contest

This year’s contest will be held on Friday, April 25, 2025. Youth age 10 to 18 can participate as individuals and/or teams to compete for scholarships and prizes totaling $10,000. The scholarships are sponsored by TWHBEA and The Celebration. The deadline to register is Friday, April, 18, 2025.

TWHYA Horse Bowl

Horse bowl is an exciting and fun approach to equine knowledge as well as Tennessee Walking Horse trivia.  The primary objective of the Horse Bowl is to provide an opportunity for youth to demonstrate their knowledge of equine related subject matter.  Teams of three or four members will compete against each other, answering questions about horses in general as well as questions regarding the history of the Tennessee Walking Horse. Competition material will consist of 50% general horse knowledge and 50% Tennessee Walking Horse knowledge

Junior teams members are grade 4-8 and Senior teams members are grades 9-12 as of January 1.

The competition date has not been set for 2025. Please check back…information will be posted soon.

Creative Contest

TWHYA members can show off their creativity in the annual Creative Contest, presented by Jacobs Construction. This year, a total of 21 categories are offered in Fine Art, Applied Art, Photography, Graphic Art, Commercial Art, and Creative Writing. The deadline to enter is August 1, 2025.

FFA Outstanding Achievement Award

4-H Program

Youth that participate in 4-H with a registered Tennessee Walking Horse can earn special awards in this program.

Scholarship Programs

TWHBEA recognizes that youth are vital to a successful future for the Tennessee Walking Horse industry and awards both graduate and undergraduate scholarships each year. Scholarships can be used for accredited colleges, junior colleges, universities or trade schools. The scholarship amounts are based on availability of funds and the selection is based equally on academic performance, extracurricular activities and equine involvement. Applications must be submitted by June 15, 2024.

Scout Patch Program

Scouts of all ages and divisions are being offered an extra incentive for becoming knowledgeable about the horse industry.  Any youth using a registered Tennessee Walking Horse to earn his/her horse-related scout merit badge will receive a colorful embroidered patch from the TWHBEA. The patch is absolutely free of charge.

Why a patch?  Scouts receive patches for participating in special events such as camping trips, nature conservation efforts, food drives, and various other events.  Patch trading during inter-troop campouts, conventions, or jamborees is one of the major hobbies that both scouts and leaders enjoy.  Even more rare are the hard-to-find patches that you can only attain through certain events. The Tennessee Walking Horse Scouting Achievement patch will fall into this category.  It is a point of pride to have a patch that no one else has seen before. Because of its unique nature, the patch will definitely draw interest in participating in the various horse programs with a Tennessee Walking Horse.  Whether used to trade for other unique patches, or affixed to a jacket or backpack, the Tennessee Walking Horse Scouting Patch can be shown with pride.

Acquiring the patch is simple. Simply fill out an application and mail to the address below.  After verifying that the scouting requirements were met and that the horse used is registered, the patch will be sent to the applicant.

Please contact TWHBEA for more information on the Tennessee Walking Horse Scouting Patch or to inquire about other youth programs.

TWHBEA Youth Coordinator
Jessica Ozburn
P.O. Box 286
Lewisburg, TN  37091-0286
(931) 359-0583