TWHYA Mission Statement
The Tennessee Walking Horse Youth Association’s mission is to enhance the leadership skills of our youth members while developing their equine skills in an educational environment. We will provide a positive approach to assist TWHYA youth to graduate from our program into areas of importance in fields of their choice.
TWHYA Constitution
Section 1: TITLE: This Organization shall be known as the Tennessee Walking Horse Youth Association (hereinafter referred to as “TWHYA”), and shall operate as a Division of the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Association (hereinafter referred to as TWHBEA), and further, shall operate within the scope of the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of TWHBEA.
Section 2: OBJECTIVES AND PURPOSE: The objectives and purpose of TWHYA shall be as follows:
To improve and promote the Tennessee Walking Horse breed.
To improve and develop the capabilities of youth; through both individual and group participation, in the breeding, raising and exhibition of Tennessee Walking Horses.
To develop and improve leadership, community interest, equine education, and participation of the youth members of TWHBEA.
To encourage high moral character, sportsmanship and clean living amongst all members.
To establish an ongoing working relationship between TWHYA members and the TWHBEA Youth Committee.
To create, foster and assist subsidiary youth affiliates composed of members of THWYA.
To acquaint youth members and affiliates with TWHBEA, its structure and function.
Section 1: CLASSES OF MEMBERSHIP: TWHYA shall have the following classes of membership:
INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIPS: Individual members will be boys and girls who are 17 years of age or less. Boys and girls who are 18 years of age or greater, but still enrolled in high school shall also be entitled to Individual Membership.
ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: Organizational members shall granted to Youth Affiliates (hereinafter defined in this Constitution).
Section 2: ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES: Annual individual membership fees shall be set by TWHBEA. This membership fee shall, in accordance with the TWHBEA Bylaws, grant an Individual Youth Member all the privileges of regular membership in TWHBEA, except the right to vote as a TWHBEA member, the right to receive the VOICE magazine, and the right granted to TWHBEA members to hold office in TWHBEA.
Section 4: INTERNATIONAL YOUTH ASSOCIATIONS: An International Association, recognized by TWHBEA, is automatically eligible for its youth members to become members of THWYA, compete in TWHYA activities and TWHBEA approved youth events, and for its youth organization to place delegates, with voting privileges on the TWHYA Board of Directors.
To compete in TWHYA activities or TWHBEA approved youth events, or to serve as a director of TWHYA, an international member must become an Individual Member of TWHYA and must comply with all TWHYA Rules and Regulations.
An International Association, recognized by TWHBEA, may obtain the status of Youth Affiliate for its youth organization by providing the TWHBEA Youth Coordinator a written declaration, signed by the President of the International Association, stating:
That the International Association has a youth organization, either as a division of the International Association or a separate organization.
The name and contact numbers (address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address where available) of the adult youth advisor or leader who is responsible for the activities of the youth organization and for the conduct of the youth members.
The number of youth members in good standing
Where youth members intend to participate in TWHYA approved events, the names, address, and ages of these youth members (where any of this information may not be in TWHBEA records), and any other information requested by TWHYA for the purpose of enabling the youth to participate in TWHYA approved activities.
The names of youth elected by the International Youth Affiliate to represent that Youth Affiliate on the TWHYA Board.
The International Association shall provide a written declaration as set out above on an annual basis.
Upon request, the President of the International Association shall provide copies of the Youth Affiliate’s Bylaws, Rules and Regulations and other information pertaining to the Youth Affiliate’s activities. Where the Youth Affiliate is a separate and independent organization, the Youth Affiliate shall provide governmental documentation necessary to confirm the existence and status of the Youth Affiliate.
Section 1: OFFICE LOCATION: The place of business of TWHYA shall be TWHBEA headquarters, located in Lewisburg, Tennessee.
Section 2: CORRESPONDENCE: All correspondence regarding TWHYA shall be directed to the Youth Department of TWHBEA in Lewisburg, Tennessee.
Section 1: The business and property of TWHYA shall be managed and controlled by the Youth Board of Directors and an Executive Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “Officer Team”), both hereinafter created and empowered.
Section 2: BOARD OF DIRECTOR MEMBERS: Individual Members of TWHYA in good standing, thirteen (13) to seventeen (17) years of age or are eighteen (18) years of age or greater, but still enrolled in high school, are eligible to run as a candidate for the TWHYA Board.
STATE AND REGIONAL DIRECTORS: Each State and International Region having twenty (20) Individual Youth Members residing therein, shall be entitled to elect one (1) Board Member. Each state having more than twenty (20) members of TWHYA residing therein shall be entitled to elect one (1) additional Board Member for every twenty-five (25) members of TWHYA over the initial twenty (20).
States and International Regions not having as many as twenty (20) members will be grouped together in regions for the purpose of electing Directors. This grouping is to be done, insofar as practicable, to ensure that each geographical section shall be represented in proportion to the numbers of Individual Members of TWHYA residing the area. Each region shall be entitled to elect the same number of Board Members as if it were a state.
The Board of Delegates shall, prior to October 1st of each year, group such states as do not have twenty (20) members into regions for the purpose of the next election of Board Members, and shall otherwise determine the proper number of Board Members to be elected.
BOARD OF DIRECTOR MEMBER TERMS: All Board Members shall serve a one (1) year term.
ELECTION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The election process shall be established by the TWHBEA Youth Committee and set out in the TWHYA Guide to Campaigning.
VACANCY: In the case of vacancy in the TWHYA Board of Directors, the President of the TWHYA Board of Directors shall appoint a successor to fill the unexpired term of the vacated Director position.
MEETINGS: Meetings of TWHYA Board of Directors, including the regular annual meeting of the Board of Directors, shall be held at such time and place as may be fixed by the TWHYA Executive Committee. Meetings shall be held for the purpose of conducting such business as may be brought before the meeting.
Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at such time and place as may be designated. Special meetings shall be called by the President or by a majority of the Board of Directors.
NOTICE OF MEETINGS: Written or electronic notice of all meetings shall set out the place, date and hour of the meeting. In the case of a special meeting, the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is being called shall also be set out in the written or electronic notice. The written or electronic notice shall be delivered to each recognized Youth Board Member entitled to vote at the meeting, not less than 15 days before the date of the meeting. Delivery may be by hand delivery or delivery by mail or e-mail, at the discretion of the President, Secretary or Officer calling the meeting. Notice delivered by mail shall be deemed to be delivered upon deposit, with postage prepaid, in the United States Postal Service addressed to the recognized Youth Affiliate at the address of the Youth Affiliate as it is recorded with TWHYA. Electronic Post via the TWHYA Website not less than fifteen (15) days before the date of the meeting shall also serve as notice.
QUORUM: A majority of the number of Members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, however, if at any meeting of the Board there may be less than a quorum present, a majority of those present may adjourn the meeting from time to time until a quorum is present.
POWERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The Board of Directors shall have the power and authority to direct the affairs of TWHYA as they may deem expedient concerning the conduct, management and activities of TWHYA, the admission, classification, qualification, suspension and expulsion of members, removal of officers, expenditures of money and other details relating to the general purposes of TWHYA, subject only to the approval of the Advisory Board. The powers of the Board of Directors also extends to the right to make, amend and repeal the Constitution of TWHYA, subject to the approval of the Advisory Board.
Section 3: REGIONS OF TWHYA: There shall be eleven (11) regions of TWHYA. The continental United States and the Canadian provinces and territories shall be divided into ten regions in the manner set out on the map of the continental United States and the country of Canada included herein. Youth affiliates of International countries will participate in an eleventh region.
Section 4: OFFICERS OF THWYA: The Officers of TWHYA shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Sentinel. The Officers shall be appointed by the TWHBEA Youth Advisory Board.
TERM OF OFFICE: Officers shall hold office for a period of one (1) year
and until their successors are appointed.
QUALIFICATIONS: Officers must be TWHYA members in good standing and must not attain the age of nineteen (19) years before expiry of the term of Office. A Youth Member may only accept an appointment to a TWHYA Officer if they have been elected as a THWYA Director within their geographical region. Further, a Youth Member must have served as a TWHYA Director for at least one term.
PRESIDENT: The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of TWHYA and shall general supervision of the affairs of TWHYA, subject to the direction of the Board of Directors, and shall preside at all meetings of the Youth Members and the Board of Directors. The President shall appoint all Committees of TWHYA, subject to the approval of TWHBEA and TWHYA Executive Committees. The President shall submit a report of the status of TWHYA and its activities during the preceding year to the Youth Members via the TWHYA web-site and at the TWHBEA Annual General Meeting.
The President shall have such other and further duties and authority as may be prescribed elsewhere in this Constitution, or as directed from time to time by the Board of Directors.
The President will also serve as the Executive Committee Regional Representative of the Region(s) from which he or she was elected. The President will serve on the Youth Activities Committee for two (2) years: as President of TWHYA in the first year and as Immediate Past President in the second year.
No Director of TWHYA may be elected to serve more than one term as President. Further, to be eligible to be appointed to the office of President, a Member must have previously served at least one year as a TWHYA Director.
VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall, in the absence or inability of the President to act in his or her role, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President, and shall perform such other duties as the President shall, from time to time, prescribe. The Vice President will also serve as the Executive Committee Regional Representative of the Region(s) from which he or she was elected.
SECRETARY: The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Members and of the Board of Directors, and shall record, or cause to be recorded, all votes taken and the minutes of all proceedings in the Minute Book of TWHYA to be kept for that purpose. He or she shall perform like duties for TWHYA Committees when requested to do so. The Secretary shall have the principal responsibility to give, or cause to be given, notice of all meetings of the Board of Directors and the Members; but this shall not lessen the authority of others to give such notice as provided within this Constitution. The Secretary shall maintain communication between the Executive Committee and TWHBEA Youth Coordinator. The Secretary will also serve as the Executive Committee Regional Representative of the Region(s) from which he or she was elected.
TREASURER: The Treasurer shall have the responsibility of examining the financial requirements of specific projects and needs of TWHYA, and reporting those costs to the Board of Directors. He or she shall be made aware of the ongoing status of membership growth and corresponding payment membership dues. The Treasurer will also serve as the Executive Committee Regional Representative of the Region(s) from which he or she was elected.
SENTINEL: The Sentinel shall have the responsibility for maintaining order at all meetings of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors in accordance with parliamentary procedure. In addition, the Sentinel shall prepare meeting rooms and facilities for the meetings of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. The Sentinel will be responsible for compiling an annual scrapbook for TWHYA and preparing articles for the Walker Scene on a monthly basis. The Sentinel may also be required to fulfill those duties that may, from time to time, be prescribed by the President. The sentinel will serve as the Executive Committee regional representative of the Region(s) from which he or she was elected.
TWHYA DIRECTORS: The duties of a TWHYA Director are to enhance communication and serve as liaison between TWHYA membership of the Region from which the Director has been elected and the TWHYA Executive Committee.
QUALFICATIONS OF TWHYA DIRECTOR: To be a candidate for TWHYA Director, a candidate must reside within the Region to be represented, must be a minimum of fourteen (14) years of age, and meet such other qualifications as the TWHYA Executive Committee may, from time to time, designate. A candidate must also remain eligible for TWHYA Individual Membership, and be member in good standing for the duration of their term. A youth Director cannot turn nineteen (19) years of age before January 1st during the term in which they are serving. .
VACANCIES OF OFFICES: Any vacancies that arise in the offices of TWHYA shall be filled by the TWHBEA Youth Advisory Board for the unexpired term of the office. Those so appointed shall serve until the appointment of their duly qualified successors.
Section 5: TWHYA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The TWHYA Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Sentinel. The TWHYA Executive Committee shall be appointed by the TWHBEA Youth Advisory Board prior to January 15th of each year. Those Directors who have previously served one term as a TWHYA Director shall be eligible for election as a TWHYA Officer. They may become eligible to become a member of the TWHYA Executive Committee when approved by the Advisory Board of TWHYA.
MEETINGS OF THE TWHYA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The TWHYA Executive Committee shall meet whenever and wherever called by direction of the President, TWHBEA Youth Coordinator, or three (3) members of the Executive Committee acting jointly. The Secretary shall give all members of the Executive Committee 10 days’ written notice or three days’ electronic (e-mail) notice of any such meeting.
POWERS OF THE TWHYA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: All powers of the Youth Board of Directors are hereby vested in the TWHYA Executive Committee.
QUORUM: The quorum of the TWHYA Executive Committee shall be three (3) members.
During the period between meetings of the Board of Directors, the TWHYA Executive Committee is empowered to direct the affairs of TWHYA. Actions of the Executive Committee shall be ratified by the Board of Directors at its meetings.
The Advisory Board of TWHYA shall consist of the TWHBEA President, the TWHBEA Senior Vice President, the TWHBEA Vice President Member at Large for Youth, the TWHBEA Youth Coordinator, and any additional members appointed by the TWHBEA Executive Committee. This Advisory Board shall consist of a minimum of four (4) people to assist the TWHBEA Youth Committee in directing the activities of TWHYA. All actions of TWHYA and all nominees from the various regions as designated by TWHYA for election of the TWHYA Executive Committee shall be subject to the Advisory Board’s approval.
The Constitution of TWHYA may be amended at the meeting of the Board of Directors by a two-thirds vote of the Directors present, provided that a quorum of the Directors is present, or at any time by the TWHYA Advisory Board or the TWHBEA Executive Committee.
Membership and election to office in TWHYA is a privilege, not a right, and this privilege may be terminated or refused for cause detrimental to the interest of TWHYA, its programs, policies objectives and the harmonious relationship of its Members. A Member may be removed from the Membership Roll, an officer may be removed from Office, a Board of Directors member may be removed from their position, or an individual may be refused membership by the Advisory Board after the conduct of a hearing into the removal of a member, delegate, or officer or the refusal of membership. Written notice shall be delivered to a member or prospective member who is the subject of a hearing setting out the time, and location of the hearing and shall contain the specifics of all charges levied against the member. The Member shall be entitled to attend the hearing with or without counsel, to hear the evidence against him or her, and present evidence on his or her behalf. The ruling or action of the Advisory Board may be appealed to the TWHBEA Executive Committee by written notice filed with the Executive Director of TWHBEA within fifteen (15) days of the date of ruling or action taken by the Advisory Committee. The ruling or action of the Advisory Committee will remain in effect until such time as it may be overturned or modified by the Executive Committee of TWHBEA. The decision of the Executive Committee of TWHBEA shall be final.