Lewisburg, TN 25 May 2018
In a unanimous vote affirming the motion made by Mr. Keegan Meadows, the Executive Committee amended the rules for the International High Point Program. In support of show management responsibility for inspections and procedures, according to the HPA, the Committee removed the requirement that the show be affiliated with an HIO. This rule change makes it possible now for the farther west, north and south regions that have Tennessee Walking Horse shows/ classes at shows to register for the high points program. Likewise, Europe can register its’ shows for the IHPP and all exhibitors duly following the remaining rules are eligible for those points and awards. Call Mallory Maddox at 931.359.0592 or email her if you have any questions about this rule change. This is a win-win situation for exhibitors and show managers alike.
New rulebook TBP and on the website soon.