Youth Superior Versatility Champions
Beam’s Moving Delight
Black Cloud’s Miss QB
Blue Birds Pin Up
Boy He’s Outrageous
Can Do’s Flicka
CC’s Traveling Knieval
Champagne For Charlie
Contender’s Hope JS
Coppertone C
Delight of Jet Star
Delight’s Harbor Lite
Delight’s Hi Tone
Exhibitor’s Shaker
Grand Alliance
Iron Eagles Legacy
Jets Miss Ebony
Johnnys Glory
Leffler’s Golden Sun
Mad River Rambler
Merry Marauder P
Moonbeam’s High Noon
My Prince Charles
Reggie Merry Midnight
Shadow’s Full House
Shadow’s Star Shocker
Silky Merry Boy
Traveling Time
Travlin Victory Ann
Turn Me Trix
Whiskey’s Choice
Justa Wise Heart
Miss Sarah Allen
I’m Billy The Kid