Versatility Program
The Versatility Program is a showcase for the flat-shod Tennessee Walking Horse. With as many as 21 different events from which to choose, you and your horse have a variety of events in which to participate. You may choose to enter one event, or compete in them all! Some of the divisions are more challenging than others, so perhaps you would like to start with one of the simpler divisions such as English pleasure, western pleasure, water glass, or model. Because the Versatility Program is a self achievement program which you custom design for you and your horse, you set the goals you’d like to accomplish, and the excitement begins! Prizes, fame, glory, honor, increased horse value, and a sense of accomplishment are in store for you as a participant of the TWHBEA Versatility Program. The Versatility Program is just one of the many services of the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ and Exhibitors’ Association! There is a yearly fee of $25 for each horse/rider combination participating in this international program.
Versatility Rule Clarification
In order for points to count in the TWHBEA Versatility Supreme/Superior Program, approved equipment, including a bridle or hackamore must be used when showing. Bridleless riding or riding with a halter is strictly prohibited when it comes to counting points in the program.
The program is divided into three sections, one for youth competitors 17 and under, one for adult competitors 18 and over, and one for elite competitors 50 and over. Youth exhibitors may compete on mares or geldings only, while adults and elites may use horses of any sex. All horses must be TWHBEA registered and must be two years old or over.
Youth, adult and elite sections have been designated with the one rider/one horse concept. Points in all sections are awarded to a horse/rider combination.
Points carried by a horse in a class designated for youth exhibitors may not be transferred to the adult or elite sections.
- In sections of the Versatility Program, written nomination must be made to the TWHBEA, listing the recorded name of the horse and the owner of registry record, and the rider.
- If an exhibitor changes horses any time during the show season, a new point record begins for that pair. Riders can team with as many horses as they’d like during the show season, however each horse and rider team will be issued its own point book.
- Leased horses are eligible. For horse show purposes, the term “owner” means the person shown as the owner by the records of the TWHBEA or a person who has a bona fide lease on said horse. A bona fide lease is a lease for which TWHBEA has a completed official TWHBEA lease registration form on file.
- TWHBEA registration shall be required of all horses for eligibility.
- TWHBEA membership is required for both owners and exhibitors of horses participating in the youth, adult and elite divisions of the Versatility Program.
- All classes are open classes unless specified as an amateur class.
- All horse shows and events, including schooling shows, are eligible for points through the TWHBEA Versatility Program as long as a licensed judge is used. The only exception is dressage schooling shows where an L candidate is acceptable. The judge’s name and licensing organization must be listed in your point books.
- Helmets are mandatory for youth riders ages 6-11. Youths 17 and under are eligible to show mares or geldings only, two years of age and over. Minimum age for showing is 6 years of age at the beginning of January 1. Horses must be plain shod. Pads are prohibited.
- Adults 18 and over and elites 50 and over are eligible to show stallions, mares and geldings two years of age or over. Horses must be plain shod. Pads are prohibited.
- Points are tabulated from the date of nomination on file at the TWHBEA Office.
- Misrepresentation of facts in your point book will result in the nullification of the entire year’s points. If a protest is filed and upheld requiring a versatility entry to forfeit their ribbons and placings, that entrant will also be stripped of all points earned that year.
- It is the responsibility of each competitor to make sure all rules as stated in the TWHBEA Versatility Rule Book are followed. The TWHBEA Versatility Rule Book supersedes all other rulebooks for competitors who wish to have points from a particular show or event counted for the TWHBEA Versatility Program. All points must be recorded in an official TWHBEA Versatility Program Point Book for each horse/rider combination. The name and address of the show secretary must be clearly written in the point book for each show and a premium list for each show must accompany the point book when it is turned in. For Dressage, a copy of each score sheet and test must be submitted with the point book. For points in competitive rides, endurance rides, and judged trail rides, a copy of the ride announcement should accompany the point book. For points in promotion, written proof of the event should be submitted with the point book. This can include an event program, media announcement, or letter of participation signed by an appropriate official. For points in Extreme Sport, an even program and copy of the event results must accompany the point book. TWHBEA encourages all HIO’s and shows with Walking Horse Versatility classes to recognize the TWHBEA Versatility Rule Book as the Breed Standard. TWHBEA encourages participation in 4-H and open all breed shows.
World Series Program
The goal of the World Series Program is to promote the versatility of the Tennessee Walking Horse at current horse shows and events in various regions, while increasing awareness of the breed, and participation in local/regional area clubs. TWHBEA encourages show managers, exhibitors and owners to use this opportunity for showcasing the breed in all of its’ versatile capabilities. If you are competing in the Versatility Program and show at a World Series Regional Show, you automatically earn double points in each class that you participate in.
It’s never been easier to be a World Series Show! All TWHBEA-affiliated shows can participate by offering a minimum number of versatility classes at their show. There is no charge to be a TWHBEA-affiliated show and a World Series double point show. TWHBEA promotes each show that affiliates with placement on the TWHBEA website and on all social media pages, along with email blasts to all TWHBEA members promoting the event. TWHBEA awards DOUBLE POINTS to all Regional shows.
To be a World Series Double Point show, shows must have at least three (3) halter/versatility classes and (3) pleasure rail classes. Versatility/Halter classes can include Model, Weanling, Yearling, Showmanship, Go As You Please, Field Trial, Water Glass, Egg & Spoon, Trail Obstacle, Barrels, Poles, Dressage, Hunter Hack, Over Fences, Stake Race, Ride A Buck, Obstacle Driving, Western Riding, Basic Reining. Pleasure rail classes can include All Day Pleasure, Country Pleasure, Trail Pleasure, Lite Shod, Park Pleasure, Plantation Pleasure, Classic Park Pleasure, Equitation.
For questions or more information, contact programs@twhbea.com.
World Versatility Championship
The TWHBEA World Versatility Championship debuted in 1998. The event was developed to offer participants in the TWHBEA Versatility Program the opportunity to compete against peers from all over the country in a championship setting. For many competitors, the World Championship is the event at which they reap the benefits of a year’s hard work. The show offers triple versatility points as well as an ample prize list. Generous prizes are also awarded to the youth, adult, and elite as well as highpoint and reserve highpoint winners.
The TWHBEA World Versatility Championship (the only triple point show) features a complete schedule of point earning versatility classes, when available and in receipt of enough entries to conduct the class. The schedule mostly includes Showmanship, Model, Equitation, Stock Seat Equitation, Dressage, Western Dressage, Hunter Hack, Trail Obstacle, TWH Over Fences, Western Riding, Basic Reining, Water Glass, Barrels, and Poles. Points earned in these classes count towards end of the year highpoint honors and Superior or Supreme Versatility Championships.
Since its inception, the TWHBEA World Versatility Championship has experienced steady growth with entries increasing by approximately 50 each year. In 2004, due to the high level of entries, the show had to be expanded to a two-day event.
For more information about this program please contact the TWHBEA office at 931-359-1574 or programs@twhbea.com