GO! Gelding
2023 Super Flat Shod Gelding – I’M WALKER HAYES, owned by Kelly Gushert of Lisbon, OH
2023 Super Performance Gelding – GEORGIA FLORIDA LINE, owned by Robert Deutsch of Greensboro, NC
The GO! Program
The Geldings Opportunity Program is open to all registered TWHBEA geldings regardless of age. The gelding owner/rider must be a current TWHBEA member in good standing to participate. Upon paying the annual nomination fee, the nominated gelding is eligible to participate in any category of this program. The program is broken down into two award categories, Category I-The GO! Competition Division and Category II-The GO! Super Gelding Division. The GO! Competition Division is divided into two areas, performance and pleasure. Each division is further broken down into two age categories, Junior Gelding (4 years & Under) and Senior Gelding (5 years & Over). The Super Gelding Division is divided into two awards, The Flatshod Super Gelding of the Year Award and The Performance Super Gelding of the Year Award. Winners of these divisions will be the horses with the most overall points in their discipline at year’s end. The Super Gelding Awards will be awarded to the Geldings who were awarded the most points during the year in their division.
Points will begin accumulating on October 1 of each year running through September 30 of the next year. Points begin to accumulate once a horse has been nominated and the $25 nomination fee paid. Points from TWHBEA-affiliated shows are automatically counted. For non-affiliated shows, The Gelding Opportunities Program Points Log must be turned in by October 15 and will be verified by TWHBEA. A class sheet signed by the show secretary verifying the placing, must be included with the Log Sheet from non-affiliated shows. Points will be earned by the placing of each gelding in a judged competition. Single judge shows will be counted as single points, triple judge shows will be counted as double point shows, and five judges will be counted as triple point shows. The points in a single judge show will be awarded by 1st place 10 points, 2nd place 9 points, etc.
There will be an annual nomination fee of $25.00 for each Competitive Division entered. All monies collected will be paid out in a given year. The owner of record at the conclusion of each point year as determined above will be the recipient of the GO! Programs cash awards which will be awarded at the TWHBEA banquet each year.
The top five geldings in each division of The GO! Competitive Division (Category 1), will receive monetary awards with recognition given also to geldings ranking 6-10. There will be only two winners with payout for the GO! Super Gelding Division (Category 2). The winners will be the two geldings, one Flatshod and one Performance horse, with the highest overall points in their respective competitive division.
Category 1 – The GO! Competition Division
- GO! Performance: This division is for geldings competing in padded classes including Park Performance, Show Pleasure, Equitation and Performance.
Junior Geldings (5 years and under)
Senior Geldings (6 years of age and older) - GO! Pleasure: This division is for geldings competing in flat shod rail classes including Country Pleasure, Trail Pleasure, Park Pleasure, Plantation Pleasure, Lite Shod, Equitation and Model.
Junior Geldings (5 years and under)
Senior Geldings (6 years of age and over)
Category 2 – The GO! Super Gelding Division
- GO! Flatshod Super Gelding
- GO! Performance Super Gelding