Membership Has Its Advantages

The Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ & Exhibitors’ Association is the oldest and most prestigious of organizations devoted to the promotion of the breed. Its primary purpose is to record the pedigrees of Tennessee Walking Horses and work to maintain the purity of the breed. The TWHBEA is also dedicated to promoting greater awareness of the breed and its unique qualities, to encourage the expansion of the breed, and to help assure the general welfare of all Tennessee Walking Horses.

Anyone may become a member of the Association subject to approval by the Executive Committee. Breeders, owners, trainers, exhibitors or others interested in the breed are sure to benefit from the many advantages of membership.

Membership does have its advantages and primary among them is the privilege of conducting business at reduced rates. New foal registrations, transfers, blood typing kits, certified pedigrees, duplicate certificates, name changes and other services are yours, as a member, at lower rates than non-members’ rates. In some cases, the savings is more than half.

Additionally, as a member, you are entitled to educational opportunities and research services that are not made available to non-members of the Association. Membership also extends your accessibility to regularly updated information about activities of the breed.

Your TWHBEA membership delivers great savings with these TWHBEA corporate partners:



5 Year Membership
3 Year Membership
$125 per Calendar Year
Must be 18 years or older Must be 18 years or older Spouses w/o children, Spouses w/ children under 18, and Single Parents w/ children under 18. Intended for “families.”
Transact business at member rates Transact business at member rates Transact business at member rates
Access to TWHBEA programs Access to TWHBEA programs Access to TWHBEA programs
Subscription to Voice Magazine Subscription to Voice Magazine Subscription to Voice Magazine
Voting rights** Voting rights** Voting rights**
One free foal registration OR transfer each year for the 5 year term One free foal registration OR transfer each year for the 3 year term


$75 per Calendar Year
Young Adult
$75 for 3 years
$20 per Calendar Year
TWH Fan $50
Must be 18 years or older $75 for membership from January 1 after 18th birthday to January 1 after 21st birthday $20 per year for children ages under 18 (age at January 1) Must be 18 years or older
Transact registry business at member rates Transact registry business at member rates Transact registry business at member rates Subscription to Voice Magazine
Access to TWHBEA programs Access to TWHBEA  membership only scholarships Access to TWHBEA & TWHYA programs Member discounts
Subscription to Voice Magazine No discounts on registry business
Voting rights** No voting rights


Youth – Time
Lifetime Membership
Starting at $650
WHTA Membership
$50 per Calendar Year
$150 for the entire period of your child’s youth up to  their 18th birthday Lifetime membership ensures your membership for life! Walking Horse Trainers’ Association Only
Young adult membership option is next in succession Transact business at member rates Must be current on WHTA Dues
Access to TWHBEA programs Access to TWHBEA programs Must be in good standing with WHTA
Automatically qualifies your child for membership only scholarships* Subscription to Voice Magazine Must be in good standing with TWHBEA
No Voting privileges or magazine subscription 10% Discount on Voice Advertising  
  10% Discount on all Gift Shop Items  
  Voting rights. **  
  One free foal registration OR transfer each year  
70 years of age and up = $650
Age 60-69 = $850
Age 50-59 = $1050
Age 49 & Below = $1250

**Voting Rights are defined under Article II Section 1 of the Corporate Bylaws