3rd International Video Horse Show

October 1, 2024 – January 31, 2025

Join us for the third International Video Horse Show, proudly produced by the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ & Exhibitors’ Association! Designed to provide our members with valuable competition opportunities beyond the U.S., this event allows participants to showcase their skills and vie for awards not only from this show but also in our International High Point Program. With 14 diverse classes available, members have until January 31, 2025, to enter one or more categories and submit their best video performances. Don’t miss this chance to shine on an international stage!

Class 1: Open Trail Pleasure – 2 gait – Optional Tack/Attire

Class 2: Ladies 18 years and over – 2 gait – Optional Tack/Attire

Class 3: Youth Exhibitors 11 years – Mares and Geldings – 2 gait – Optional Tack/Attire

Class 4: Gentlemen 18 years and over – 2 gait – Optional Tack/Attire

Class 5: Youth Exhibitors 12-17 years old – Mares and Geldings – 2 gait – Optional Tack/Attire

Class 6: Open Trail Pleasure – Canter – Optional Tack/Attire

Class 7: Open Country Pleasure – Canter – Optional Tack/Attire

Class 8: Open Country Pleasure – 2 gait – Optional Tack/Attire

Class 9: Model Stallions and Geldings

Class 10: Model Mares

Class 11: Halter Yearling Stallions and Geldings

Class 12: Halter Yearling Mares

Class 13: Weanling Stallions

Class 14: Weanling Mares


Venue: Indoor/outdoor arena ideally measuring 60 meters by 20 meters width, but not less than 40 meters by 20 meters

Attire/Tack: Optional – Western or English

Trail – 2 Gait: One attempt going to the left (1st way of the ring) beginning at a centerline at a flat walk for 1 lap, then execute a running walk for 1 lap, then transition back to a flat walk and halt, reverse and step off to a flat walk for 1 lap, then execute a running walk for 1 lap, transition back to a flat walk and halt. Back 4 steps. End of attempt.

Canter: One attempt beginning at a centerline at a flat walk for 1 lap, then execute a running walk for 1 lap, then transition back to a flat walk and canter for 1 lap, transition back to a flat walk and halt, reverse and step off to a flat walk for 1 lap, then execute a running walk for 1 lap, transition back to a flat walk and canter for 1 lap, transition back to a flat walk and halt. Back 4 steps. End of attempt.

Model: One attempt park your model horse and video it all the way around so the Judge can get a view at the front, the left side, the right side as well as the back of your horse. The handler cannot block and cover up the horse.

Halter: One attempt lead your horse in a walk to the left (1st way of the ring) for one lap, halt and reverse and show a walk. Park your horse in the middle of the ring. Video it all the way around so the Judge can get a view at the front, the left side, the right side as well as the back of your horse. The handler cannot block and cover up the horse.

Camera: a professional videographer is recommended for multiple entries/group at the same arena (one horse-at-a-time) trials, to high resolution cellphone video for an individual entry. One video clip recorded per entrant per class emailed to programs@twhbea.com via Wetransfer.

Placements: 8 placements per class will be awarded and reported in IPEDS and will count for points in the International High Points Awards program for 2025. Results and feedback will be reported after the close of the show. Placements will receive Award Certificates.

Best in Country and Best in Show will be named.

Judgement and commentary (feedback) will be by a recognized and knowledgeable U.S. Judges of Tennessee Walking Horses, placements will be reported on IPEDS and will count for points in the International High Points Award program. Results will be individually reported after the close of the show. (January 31, 2025)

Additional Rules:

  • The test must be videoed from center ring, where the judge would normally view a class.
  • The test may be called.
  • Coaching during the test is not allowed.
  • The natural background sound or walking horse organ music for the test is allowed, but not required, no post production music edits allowed.
  • Bridle or saddle pad numbers are not allowed, a unique back number for each class entry required-supplied by TWHBEA after entry form submission.
  • Ridden tests may be submitted to ONLY ONE online show. A video of a trial/ride from another competition/or show that has already been judged must be eliminated. Any video suspected of having been filmed during another competition or traditional horse show will not be scored.
  • All classes must be designated with a unique class number; no horse may be ridden more than once in any class with the same class number.
  • Horses may be entered in more than one class (see class sheet).