Committee Functions
The primary function of a committee is to contribute to the efficient operation of an organization. A committee is concerned with the communication of information and with assisting the leadership in the decision making process by providing needed information and recommending actions. These standing committees exist to accomplish these tasks.
Standing Committees perform a continuing function necessary for the on-going operation of the Association. They operate indefinitely and are provided for in the Association Bylaws or the Board Manual of Policy and Procedures. All intended committee actions are subject to the approval of the Board of Directors/Executive Committee.
2024 Operating Division assignments are noted below ease of use. Please contact this office for any clarification. Professional consultants may serve on the committees for expert opinions and such but not as voting members on that particular committee.
2024 TWHBEA Committee Rosters
Preserves and manages the financial welfare of the Association by recommending an annual budget and monitoring compliance during the year, reviewing all financial reports, and making recommendations to ensure sustainable revenue to grow TWHBEA.
Kasey Kesselring, Chairperson (TN)
Kathy Gilliam-Cole (WA)
Nancy Greene (TN)
D. Monier (TX)
William Whitley (NC)
Advocates for the welfare of Tennessee Walking Horses and leads the association’s disaster response efforts. This committee also monitors local, state, and federal legislation and recommends positions on issues that could potentially affect the Tennessee Walking Horse industry.
Bill Stricklend, Chairperson (AL)
R. Cammack (TX)
Ginger Evans (AL)
George Gould (TX)
Bradley Prewitt (MS)
Robbie Spiller (TN)
Sarah Wilkinson-Buchmann (AL)
This is a sub-committee of Administrative/Fiscal/Audit and serves to oversee the maintenance and improvement of the TWHBEA headquarters.
Kasey Kesselring, Chairperson (TN)
Darrell Ailshie (TN)
Robby Black (TN)
Nathan Clark (AL)
Michael Floyd (TN)
James (Jake) Jacobs (TN)
Facilitates the changing needs of the Association through recognizing the current or future conflicts in the Bylaws and rules that govern TWHBEA and to enforce the Bylaws and rules of the Association and to recommend appropriate discipline for violators.
Tom Kakassy, Chairperson (SC)
Walter Chism (TN)
Katy Granus (KY)
Mark Jordan (FL)
Beth Levi (IN)
Rosemary Mancuso (MS)
Keegan Meadows (TN)
Courtney Mumm (NC)
Bradley Prewitt (MS)
Heather Windom (NC)
Promotes the registration, sale, breeding, and proper care/training of Tennessee Walking Horses in foreign countries. This is primarily accomplished through the development of online resources and events, clinics and shows.
Denise Bader, Chairperson (Germany)
Lynda Botsch (TN)
Jeremy Bridges (MS)
Carol Camp (TN)
James Dolan (Mexico)
Keegan Meadows (TN)
Ethlyn Montgomery (CA)
Terrance Moyer (OH)
Natalie Sandoval (TX)
Sam Sorrell (KY)
Sherrie Szucs (OH)
Nicole Tolle (CO)
Brad Tuttle (TN)
Bradley Woodruff (MS)
Promotes the Tennessee Walking Horse and communicates the mission of TWHBEA to its members and to the general public through media, public service projects and/or special events and programs.
Dale Daniels, Chairperson (AR)
Sierra Kennedy (WV)
Melanie Lawrence (KY)
John Silver (NC)
Sellers Veazey (GA)
Ashley Wadsworth (MS)
Sets standards for registry and breeding concerns and facilitates the future integrity of breeders of Tennessee Walking Horses. This committee is also responsible for the National Futurity and affinity programs that provide benefits for our members. A primary objective of this committee should be to recommend ways to increase the ease of completing registrations and transfers through enhanced technology and maintain/improve the functionality of iPEDs.
David Sisk, Chairperson (TN)
Darrell Ailshie (TN)
Jonathan Allred (TN)
David Bullock (KY)
Bruce Butler (KY)
Nathan Clark (AL)
Martin Cox (KY)
Nancy Greene (TN)
Brian Hazelwood (TN)
Kendel Sigurdson (Canada)
Sam Sorrell (KY)
Robbie Spiller (TN)
Lavon Tyson (NC)
Lisa Washburn (TN)
A show horse is any registered TWH that competes on the rail and is judged on gait. This committee promotes Tennessee Walking Show Horses in the traditional show ring through horse show development and the International High Point Program.
Lance Meisenheimer, Chairperson (IL)
J. Halcomb (GA)
Dwight Hasty (AL)
Mark Jordan (FL)
Melanie Lawrence (KY)
Beth Levi (IN)
Jessica Mast (TN)
Thom Meek (TN)
Ethlyn Montgomery (CA)
Chris Payne (TN)
Leslie Perry-Collins (KY)
Shane Porterfield (TN)
Sherrie Szucs (OH)
Nicole Tolle (CO)
Brad Tuttle (TN)
Lavon Tyson (NC)
Margo Urad (TN)
Sellers Veazey (GA)
Coordinates, communicates, and harmonizes the goals and efforts of owners, exhibitors, breeders and trainers through TWHBEA representation at trainer meetings and events and within training organizations. The chair of this committee serves as a liaison between TWHBEA and WHTA.
Dee Cantrell, Chairperson (AL)
Carlyle Johnson (TN)
Melanie Lawrence (KY)
Kim Leonard (WI)
Jessica Mast (TN)
Keegan Meadows (TN)
Thom Meek (TN)
Chris Payne (TN)
Nicole Tolle (CO)
Lavon Tyson (NC)
Margo Urad (TN)
Billy Young (TN)
Promotes the versatility of the Tennessee Walking Horse in trail riding and non-traditional disciplines and works to increase interest in this segment of the breed. This committee oversees the World Versatility Championships, Distance Program, and Versatility Program.
Lyn Montgomery, Chairperson (CA)
Jennifer Batts (NC)
Harley Bennett (TN)
Elizabeth Carter (MO)
Jessica Ellis (NC)
Rebekah Frost (NY)
Kathy Gilliam-Cole (WA)
Deanna Hasler (IL)
Brian Hazelwood (TN)
Kris Herman (CA)
Kristen Kirkland (TN)
Jessica Mast (TN)
Clay McConnell (MS)
Tracy Mitchell (KY)
Roey Mobley (NC)
Terrance Moyer (OH)
Courtney Mumm (NC)
Elijah Murphy (TN)
Leslie Perry-Collins (KY)
Stephanie Richardson (TN)
Kelli Robinson (KY)
Mikal Spooner (NC)
Linda Starnes (KY)
Clara Thompson (TN)
Nicole Tolle (CO)
Charlotte Woods (OK)
Fosters and encourages the participation of youth in the Tennessee Walking Horse industry. This committee helps to develop avenues for youth to develop their leadership skills and become more involved both in and out of the show ring.
Chris Hazelwood, Chairperson (TN)
Harley Bennett (TN)
Chloe Casteel (TN)
Robert Deutsch (NC)
Joseph Fraley (KY)
Deanna Hasler (IL)
Carol Lamberson (TN)
Tracy Mitchell (KY)
Leslie Perry-Collins (KY)
Stephanie Richardson (TN)
Leslie Starkey (TN)
Linda Starnes (KY)
Clara Thompson (TN)
Nicole Tolle (CO)