As required by the bylaws, the Executive Committee has approved the Regions and number of directors to be elected in this Fall’s election. Each State or Region having 80 members is entitled to one director and can elect one additional director for every 80 members.  States not having as many as 80 members are grouped together in Regions. The determination is based on the number of individuals who were members of each State or Region at some point during the prior calendar year. The intention of the bylaws is to maintain the size of the Board of Directors at no smaller than 50 and no larger than 90. Due to a growth in memberships, the total number of Directors will increase from 63 to 68 with Tennessee gaining three Directors and both Kentucky and Region 1 each gaining an additional Director. All Regions will remain the same for the coming year. More information on the election will be in the June issue of the VOICE. Qualified members have until August 1, 2024 to declare their candidacy for this year’s election.